In-House Specialists
Please see location details for services offered at each location.
At Palm Medical Centers, we pride ourselves on being able to deliver high-quality, value-based, comprehensive medical attention to our patients.
When you are under the care of one of our primary care physicians, you also may gain access to a variety of healthcare specialists, as well as enjoy a host of additional services and benefits.
Types of Specialty Care Available
Specialists are available to offer a wide range of healthcare services for Palm Medical Centers patients, including to address medical, psychological, and wellness issues. The type of specialty care available may vary based on your location and type of insurance you have.

As we age, most people develop an array of medical conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis, that directly impact the feet and ankles.
Podiatrists are specialists of the foot and ankle. Palm Medical Centers offers internal podiatry care and treatment for a range of problems that can affect this area of your body, such as:
- Fungal infections (athlete’s foot, toenail infections)
- Corns and calluses
- Plantar fasciitis
- Heel pain
- Bunions
- Gout
- Warts
- Ingrown toenails
- Blisters
- Neuromas
If you require orthotics – shoe inserts designed to address specific types of pain or gait issues – your physician may recommend a visit to the podiatrist.
For patients with diabetes, regular visits to a podiatrist are important to prevent serious complications of the disease, including tissue death and limb amputation.
Mental health disorders may plague everyone at one time or another, particularly as we age. It is not uncommon for patients suffering from chronic disease to develop mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse.
Getting appropriate psychiatric care can make a world of a difference to your health and well-being. It has also been found to help patients sleep better, reduce pain and other symptoms, experience improved relations with loved ones, and generally improve a person’s quality of life.
Physical therapy is a resourceful treatment option to help you recuperate or improve your physical condition. It can help you heal better, faster, and safer – as well as ensure your range of motion is restored.
Physical therapists use a variety of approaches to help relieve a patient’s symptoms and optimize their ability to move and function. This may include:
- Guided exercise, stretching
- Massage therapy
- Fall prevention
- Heat or cold therapy
- Therapeutic ultrasound
- Electrical stimulation
- Balance exercises
What type of physical therapy you need will depend on your injury, symptoms, overall health, and other factors. Ask your Palm Medical Centers physician what type of physical therapy treatment is right for you.
The benefits of massage therapy are clear: it improves circulation, relieves muscle tension, increases flexibility, and can stimulate the lymphatic system.
Patients with a variety of medical conditions may benefit from sessions with a licensed, certified massage therapist. Your Palm Medical Centers provider may recommend massage therapy if you suffer from low back pain, headaches, insomnia, digestive disorders, anxiety, and so much more. Ask your provider if massage therapy may be right for you.
Holistic care options offer an alternative and resourceful approach to treating medical conditions. With acupuncture, very thin needles are inserted at specific, targeted points on your body. Where the needles are placed will depend on your symptoms or the issue you are trying to relieve. For example, a patient who experiences chronic headaches may have the needles placed in areas around the head, as opposed to someone suffering from knee or low back pain.
The vast majority of patients who undergo acupuncture report no discomfort during the procedure, and often are so relaxed they fall asleep during the treatment session.
Regular dental care is important to avoid tooth decay, tooth loss, as well as systemic disease. Palm Medical Centers patient members have access to a wide variety of dental care, including:
- Professional cleanings
- Dental X-rays and exams
- Fillings
- Crowns and bridges
- Root canals
- Implants
- Dentures
- Periodontal care
- Extractions
* Services may vary by center location and health plan selection.
Regular visits to an optometrist are important to good eyesight and preventive care.
Optometrists provide some of the most common vision care services, such as eye exams, vision testing, and corrective lenses (eyeglasses and contacts). These eye health professionals can also detect eye irregularities and prescribe medication for certain conditions, such as dry eye, allergies, and infections.
Treating infants, children, and teenagers is different from treating adults. Palm Medical Centers offers two medical center locations with well-trained pediatricians to manage the care of your young ones.
Our pediatric care services include:
- Assess the overall health of your child
- Determine whether your child is meeting age-appropriate developmental milestones
- Ensure your child has all needed vaccines or immunizations
- Diagnose and treat all manner of injury or disease in children
- Provide guidance on how to prevent future problems
Palm Medical Centers patients also have the option of utilizing our in-house psychiatry partner services or to be referred to a in-network specialist of choice.
Multispecialty Care at Palm Medical Centers
At Palm Medical Centers, our patients enjoy top quality, value-based medical attention and care from our primary care physicians, as well as access to a variety of healthcare specialists. The type of multispecialty care available to you will depend on your location and insurance plan.
Discover what specialty treatment options are available to you by calling your provider’s medical center directly. You can use the patient portal to contact us and request an appointment.
To become a patient at Palm Medical Centers, call us at (833)500-PALM (7256). We have multiple medical centers located throughout South Florida and Central Florida. You can also schedule your tour of your preferred site, at no cost or obligation to you.